i am only me
Thats is all that i can be
No more, No Less, Don't Seconde Guess
I Love I Laught I Live & I cry
I Have Wished at times
That i could Die
Somedays i'm funny
Others i'm not
Sometimes i'm Overdrive & can't stop
I am a loyal & honest friend
you know that
I'll be there until the end...

huk3...sabarla yunk..doa bnyak2 k...hope sgt awk kuat k...:-(
ReplyDeleteermmmm thank yunk...
ReplyDeletecoz u r owez beside me..
napa x wat pop-up.. senang sikit..hehhe..
ReplyDeletehe,,// nice blog wehh..
comey lote.. cinonettt..
thx for following
mmg betul...kita adalah diri kita...
ReplyDeleten harap org lain boleh menerima kita seadanya...
p/s; sy link blog awk ye...
tq.. ;)
Pin QIb:
ReplyDeletehye... lalalal mcm mne plak nk wt tuh.. hehehhe xfandailah kiter... btw thanks kumin kt sini...
10Q... cumil blog nie jer.. kekeke...
jgn lupe sign guestbook ye..
yupsss kne jd diri kita.. hukhkhukhuk...
sy pon link blog awk.. thanks ye...
jgn lupe follow me n sign guestbook ;)
so sweet :D
ReplyDeleteerm erm erm maseh.. hehehhhe muacssss ;)
✿Terima kasih kerana sudi meninggalkan jejak di blog ini✿
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